Here Comes the Sun: The Ajpu Trecena
Ajpu is the sun, the human being, the hero that each one of us is in our own lives, on our own journeys. We begin and end this life alone, but along the way, community, family and friendship is what sustains us. Our spiritual practice is what sustains us, in addition to air, water, food, shelter and love.
Happy New Deer: The Kej Trecena
The next 13 days are imbued with the energy of Kej, which represents our connection to the wilderness, the four directions, spiritual leadership, humility, respect, power, and grace.
Jaguar Magic & Mother Earth Love: The Ix Trecena
In the sacred Mayan calendar, the trecena of Ix is a 13-day period that is all about our connection to Mother Earth and the magical soul of nature, of which we are an integral part. It’s a time to ask ourselves how we can connect more fully with nature and help sustain our planet.
Living the Primordial Dream: The Imox Trecena
A new dream is being conceived; a new vision preparing to be born into reality. What wants to be created through you? What is asking for form and energy? Imox is the water, in all its states: liquid, solid, gas, vapor, dewdrops, lakes, oceans, rivers. It is the primordial ocean from which all of life emerged. Imox is a feminine sign, unstable, creative, inspiring, dramatic and exciting.
The 20 Day Signs of the Sacred Mayan Calendar
13 x 20 = 260 days. Each cycle of the sacred Mayan calendar lasts roughly nine months, which is not coincidentally also the length of human gestation.
The 20 nahuales are said to represent the 20 fingers and toes of the human body, and the 13 numbers represent our 13 major joints (ankles, knees, hips, shoulder, elbows, wrists, and neck).
Giving Thanks
I thank all my relations.
I thank the ancestors.
I thank the sacred medicine of this moment.
I thank Life for its fullness, beauty, simplicity and complexity.
Thank you.
Blooming with Intention: The Q’anil Trecena
Q’anil represents both the seed and the star. Its spirit animal is the rabbit. This nawal is associated with the blossoming of yellow flowers and gardeners both literal and figurative.
Eagle Eye Vision: The Tz’ikin Trecena
We’re now entering the trecena of Tz’ikin, nawal of the birds. In the Mayan cosmovision, birds are great teachers of joy. Their singing every day reminds humans to be happy and to smile and laugh more.
The eagle is the spirit animal of Tz’ikin, a powerful hunter who soars majestically high above the earth and has incredibly sharp vision.
6 Kej
I was reborn on August 6, 2009, the day I landed in Guatemala.
Several years after my arrival, I learned that my Mayan nahual, or birth sign—based on the sacred Mayan calendar on the date of my birth (May 30, 1980)—is 6 Kej. And it turns out, my arrival-slash-rebirth on August 6, 2009 was also 6 Kej. As Tata Thomas often says during a fire ceremony, life is precise and right on time. There are no coincidences in life.
I was home, somehow returning to a place I’d never been.
Brotherly Love
You were a shadow, lurking, silent, not menacing or threatening, just blank, barely there. The substances had long since stolen you, stolen your consciousness, your intelligence, stolen your life away. The high. The search for the high. The high being all that ultimately matters. And yet so empty, so unfulfilling.